Tuesday, August 9, 2011

First Day

I woke up this morning to  Dr. Oz. My husband had the TV on and I started looking at it. The only thing I heard was applesauce used to replace it will take off 6 pounds a year. But replace what?
I began my water drinking. 2- 32 oz. bottles a day. Ok. I have started. I ate a tuna fish sandwich on white bread that is supposed to be whole wheat. I just love white bread. What can I say? I know it is the four "F's" that will get the pounds down, Fiber, Fish, Fowl and what?????????
I am looking this stuff up.
and drinking more water.

Right Now

Okay, so I am 100 pounds overweight. This is my achievement in life. I am fifty and fat. And I am tired of being fat. I am tired of paying money for diets and tired of waking up everyday knowing I will be tired soon and want to sit down and rest with a box of vanilla wafers.

So I am going to do something about this. I am going to begin by admitting how overweight I am and drinking 64 ounces of water a day. I am quitting diet soda. This is one step toward health I can make today...right now and I think I can do this.